Art of Julia Keesler

I am an actor, musician, and model in the pursuit of magic in New York City. I dabble in other creative ventures such as photography and writing screenplays and poetry in honor of this pursuit. But most recently, I have started a small business making sculptural candles by hand. As an actor, my main job is to observe and interpret the human experience, history, and culture. What it means to be human. I believe that our sole purpose is to honor that. I’ve found a parallel of expressing that in my work with sculpture candles. It is my way of carrying on the legacy of understanding existence through recreating and interpreting the human form and experience as seen through the eyes of artists who were masters in their chosen art form. I find such inspiration in that which is what fed the desire to make these miniature, meltable works of art for anyone to have in their home.
Photos by Wai Ng