Artist Nique Chalarca

My name is Veronique Chalarca I was born in South America, Colombia, when I was 13 years old I moved to live with my mom “Cielo Toledo” in New Jersey. While I lived in Colombia my sister and I stayed with my grandmother and aunt whom is also an amazing artist. Blanca Gloria my aunt introduced me to the world of arts as a kid. I been painting most of my life but currently I’m in love with my new work related to skateboarding. Skateboarding it’s a big part of my life, being introduced to skateboarding changed my life in a very positive way. I really feel skateboarding is medicine for stress, depression, or even anxiety, and the answer to happiness. Skateboarding its more than just skateboarding its a lifestyle its a culture. I many times refer to the skateboarding philosophy to explain how life works. One example is determination, in order to land a trick perfectly you might have to do it a million times till you land it. but just because you land it once it doesnt mean you have it. No you have to keep trying it and you have to keep working at it. Its a daily thing. Progress in skateboarding its usually about the time you put into it. Sorta like in life, what we dedicate our lives to its what we will excel at. Skateboarding showed me dedication and passion it showed me to get back up when i fall, and to keep trying. I love the estatetics of skateboarding the message, the beauty. This is why i love to paint anything related to skateboarding.
Check out her shop at Red Bubble.
Photos by Wai Ng