ChocoBar Cortes

ChocoBar Cortes

Puerto Rican is 1 of the most popular cuisines here in the Bronx and ChocoBar Cortes is one of those iconic places that serve authentic recipes and dishes from the island…

 The sun decided to show up for a bit this morning which gave me the energy to go out and find a place to have some brunch. Being a Bronx resident now for the past year and a half I’ve discovered Puerto Rican cuisine and fell in love with it’s unique flavors. Having visited the island earlier part of this year on a research trip as well made these dishes more enticing to me.

 I will have to say that the Mallorca dish is and will always be my favorite sandwich. Grilled and pressed with cheese and ham is always a wonderful delight. Paired with a nice cup of hot chocolate authentic from Puerto Rico this wintery Sunday has become more tolerable. Dreams of an island getaway fills me after this amazing meal.

 Until the next adventure… #kulinaryatravels will be back for more next week…

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Dock’s Oyster Bar

Dock’s Oyster Bar

Pomp and Circumstance

Pomp and Circumstance

